ALF Manager
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ALF Manager
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16 Hour Assisted Living Manager Course
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Course Content
Infection Control Section 2: Understanding the Mechanism of Infection
Infection Control Section 3: Infection Control in Assisted Living Settings
Infection Control Section 4: Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and Medical Device Safety
Infection Control Section 5: Protecting Individuals’ Rights
Infection Control Section 6: Cultural Awareness and Considerations
Caring for Patients on Oxygen Therapy
Section 1: Course Introduction, What is Oxygen Therapy?
Section 2: Health Conditions Treated with Oxygen Therapy
Section 3: Administering Oxygen Therapy
Section 4: Safety and Maintenance of the Oxygen Tank
Section 5: Monitoring Oxygen Saturation Levels
Section 6: Traveling with an Oxygen Tank
Overview of Heart Disease Care
Overview of Heart Disease: Course Introduction
Overview of Heart Disease Section 1: Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases
Overview of Heart Disease Section 2: Caregiving for a Patient with Cardiovascular Disease
Overview of Heart Disease Section 3: Physical Activity for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Overview of Heart Disease Section 4: Communicating Patient’s Health Information
Overview of Heart Disease Section 5: Assisting a Patient in an Emergency Heart Attack and Overview of Strokes
Overview of Diabetes Care
Overview of Diabetes Care Section 1: Course Introduction, Understanding Diabetes Mellitus and Blood Glucose
Overview of Diabetes Care Section 2: Complications of Diabetes
Overview of Diabetes Care Section 3: Caregiving for Diabetes
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